Brain Health Initiative

Pillars of Brain Health

Recent findings in neuroscience, medicine, and public health give us tremendous hope and encouragement that we can optimize the health and performance of our brain, mind, and body, decrease the risk of brain illness, and optimize health, well-being, and longevity at any age! You can actually see significant brain enhancement on a brain imaging scan in as little as 12 weeks of adopting brain-healthy lifestyle behaviors.

When implementing a brain health regiment, it is essential to consider brain fitness in a similar way that we currently think about physical fitness training: it needs to be evidence-based, engaging, challenging, specific, and consistent. The brain physiologically changes when we adopt a brain-healthy lifestyle and learn or experience new things.

The BHI Be Brain Healthy • Be Brain Powerful • Be Brain Ready! © Movement focuses on the science of brain health protective factors and brain health risk factors through adopting healthy lifestyle behaviors (e.g., general health, physical activity, sleep, nutrition, emotional well-being, cognitive training/stimulation, social connection, meaning and purpose, stress resilience, and home, nature, and environment)