Over the course of the academic year, the BHI BE BRAIN HEALTHY • BE BRAIN POWERFUL • BE BRAIN READY! © Newsletter and Community Brain Health Program will highlight monthly themes in accordance with evidence-based brain health protective factors. Brain health literacy will be emphasized to promote a deeper understanding of the factors that protect brain health, optimize performance and wellness, decrease the risk of brain illness, and promote increased quality of life and life satisfaction for all ages.

Brain Health Basics: Understanding Brain Wellness

Mental Fitness: Strategies to Maintain Cognitive Vitality

Engage: Cognitive Stimulation, Novelty, and Creativity

• Define cognitive stimulation, novelty, and creativity and explain why they matter for brain health.

• Explain how cognitive stimulation works in the brain.

• Explain how novelty and the brain’s reward system are involved with cognitive stimulation.

• Discuss creativity and its role in optimizing brain health.

• Identify specific things you can do in your own lives to support cognitive stimulation.

Nourish to Flourish: From Fork to Thinking and Feelings

• Describe the connections between brain health, performance, and illness and what we eat and drink across the lifespan.

• Describe the metabolic matrix and how it can guide skillful nutrition choices.

• Discuss examples of brain-healthy dietary patterns.

• Generate ideas for how we can support nutrition in our own lives.

Nourish to Flourish: From Fork to Thinking and Feelings

Phase 1

Brain Basics: Understanding YOUR Brain Health & Wellness and Why it Matters

• Discuss why brain health, fitness, and performance matters for you, your children, and your community.

• Present key scientific information about how the brain changes throughout the lifespan and how our lifestyles and behaviors influence those changes.

• Make connections among brain health, overall health, and academic performance.

• Inspire you to take control of the pillars that fuel your brain health.

• Support your work as a Brain Health Ambassador.

Phase 2

Social Synergy: Unleashing the Potential of Connection for Vibrant Brains

Social Synergy: Unleashing the Potential of Connection for Vibrant Brains

  • Describe the reciprocal relationship between the brain and social connection.

  • Explain how social connection influences brain health and performance.

  • Describe how loneliness and isolation put the brain at risk.

  • Present strategies for increasing positive social connections in your daily life.

Cultivating Resilience: Building a Stronger Brain for Life’s Challenges

Flourish from Within: Enhancing Emotional Well-Being for a Brain-Healthy Life

Stay tuned…

Stay tuned…

The Active Advantage: Boosting Mood, Cognitive Clarity, and Longevity

Stay tuned…

Restful Nights, Healthy Minds: Exploring the Sleep-Brain Connection

Fuel Your Future: Energizing Your Overall Health and Brain Fitness

Stay tuned…

Stay tuned…

Happiness By Choice: Tools and Techniques for Living a Happy Life

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The Healing Power of Nature: Green Space and Blue Space

Stay tuned…

Stay tuned…

Brain Health Vital Signs: Your Brain’s Report Card

Phase 4